echo"================================================================================" echo" HBase Docker Container" echo"================================================================================" echo # shell breaks and doesn't run zookeeper without this mkdir -pv "$HBASE_HOME/logs"
start_zookeeper(){ # tries to run distributed via SSH, run zookeeper manually instead now #RUN sed -i 's/# export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true/export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true/' "$HBASE_HOME/conf/" echo echo"Starting Zookeeper..." "$HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase" zookeeper &>"$HBASE_HOME/logs/zookeeper.log" & echo }
start_regionserver(){ echo"Starting HBase RegionServer..." # HBase versions < 1.0 fail to start RegionServer without SSH being installed if [ "$(echo /hbase-* | sed 's,/hbase-,,' | cut -c 1)" = 0 ]; then "$HBASE_HOME/bin/" start 1 else "$HBASE_HOME/bin/" start regionserver fi echo }
start_stargate(){ # kill any pre-existing rest instances before starting new ones pgrep -f proc_rest && pkill -9 -f proc_rest echo"Starting HBase Stargate Rest API server..." "$HBASE_HOME/bin/" start rest echo }
start_thrift(){ # kill any pre-existing thrift instances before starting new ones pgrep -f proc_thrift && pkill -9 -f proc_thrift echo"Starting HBase Thrift API server..." #"$HBASE_HOME/bin/" start thrift "$HBASE_HOME/bin/" start thrift2 echo }
start_hbase_shell(){ echo" Example Usage:
create 'table1', 'columnfamily1'
put 'table1', 'row1', 'columnfamily1:column1', 'value1'
get 'table1', 'row1'
Now starting HBase Shell... " "$HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase" shell }
trap_func(){ echo -e '\n\nShutting down HBase:' "$HBASE_HOME/bin/" stop rest || : "$HBASE_HOME/bin/" stop thrift || : "$HBASE_HOME/bin/" stop 1 || : # let's not confuse users with superficial errors in the Apache HBase scripts "$HBASE_HOME/bin/" | grep -v -e "ssh: command not found" \ -e "kill: you need to specify whom to kill" \ -e "kill: can't kill pid .*: No such process" sleep 2 pgrep -fla org.apache.hadoop.hbase | grep -vi org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill 2>/dev/null || : sleep 3 pkill -f org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper 2>/dev/null || : sleep 2 } trap trap_func INT QUIT TRAP ABRT TERM EXIT
if [ -n "$*" ]; then if [ "$1" = master ] || [ "$1" = m ]; then start_master tail -f /dev/null "$HBASE_HOME/logs/"* & elif [ "$1" = regionserver ] || [ "$1" = rs ]; then start_regionserver tail -f /dev/null "$HBASE_HOME/logs/"* & elif [ "$1" = rest ] || [ "$1" = stargate ]; then start_stargate tail -f /dev/null "$HBASE_HOME/logs/"* & elif [ "$1" = thrift ]; then start_thrift tail -f /dev/null "$HBASE_HOME/logs/"* & elif [ "$1" = shell ]; then "$HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase" shell elif [ "$1" = bash ]; then bash else echo"usage: must specify one of: master, regionserver, thrift, rest, shell, bash" fi else sed -i 's/zookeeper:2181/localhost:2181/'"$HBASE_HOME/conf/hbase-site.xml" start_zookeeper start_master start_regionserver start_stargate start_thrift if [ -t 0 ]; then start_hbase_shell else echo" Running non-interactively, will not open HBase shell
For HBase shell start this image with 'docker run -t -i' switches " tail -f /dev/null "$HBASE_HOME/logs/"* & # this shuts down from Control-C but exits prematurely, even when +euo pipefail and doesn't shut down HBase # so I rely on the sig trap handler above fi fi wait || :